Top 5 Benefits of Collagen


The Future of Beauty, A Fundamental for Health

I’ve gotta be honest. Although I started taking collagen to help repair injuries in my body, it was vanity, pure and simple, that got me hooked. The increased elasticity and moisture in my skin (particularly my face), the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and the growth of my hair and nails . . . the results were stunning and people noticed . . there was no going back! Layer in the health benefits of collagen, ranging from gut health to heart health, brain function to joint health, all the while building and repairing muscle and it added up to a supplement.

From there, our company set out to source the absolute highest quality and purest source. After 2 years of souring, testing and receiving certifications, we are proud to bring you

100% Pure Collagen from Wild-Caught Canadian Cod

What is Collagen?

And Why is it so Important?!?

Collagen is a structural protein, which means its most basic structure is amino acids that build tissue. Specifically, connective tissues. Collagen is actually the most abundant protein in mammals, making up 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content and 75% of the skin’s dry weight.

Collagen is a major building block of healthy skin, nails and hair, connective tissue, muscles, teeth and organs - making collagen essential for optimal health, mobility and beauty.

Hydrolyzed collagen, aka collagen peptides, is collagen that’s broken down into more easily utilized amino acids (shorter chains of proteins), making it easier for your stomach to digest. Furthermore, hydrolyzed collagen is highly bioavailable and can be absorbed easily into your bloodstream, making it a very efficient and effective supplement.

The fanfare hydrolyzed collagen is getting in the health + fitness world is totally warranted.

Why we’re Lacking in Collagen

When our Bodies Make it Naturally

As we age, we produce less and less of it naturally. Combine that, with not consuming much in our day to day diet and we are left at a deficit. We could potentially get collagen from foods that are high in this particular protein - but bones, fish skin, chicken skin and organ meats aren’t hitting our plates that often - meaning our diets are typically VOID of all collagen containing proteins. You can get it, however, from bone broth, which we love, so thank goodness for that!

Because our diets are lacking in collagen, the deficit can lead to:

  • Premature signs of aging (wrinkles)

  • Challenges with weight loss

  • Problems with your gastrointestinal tract including IBS, constipation, diarrhea, gas/bloating, acid reflux

  • Joint pain or arthritic pain

  • Hair loss, hair breakage or changes to your hair volume

  • Skin changes ranging from acne, sensitive skin, rashes or dry skin

  • Inflammation in the body (or a history of autoimmune disease)

How to Take Collagen

Add it to Your Liquid of Choice

When it’s flavorless, it’s easy!

Recommended Dose: Stir 1 TBSP into hot or cold water, juice, smoothies or coffee. When you take high quality collagen like ours, you only need 1 TBSP per day to experience superior results. (If a collagen company is recommending any more than that per day, it’s probably not 100% pure).

We fell in love with collagen by adding it to our cold pressed juices. Another favourite is adding it to your BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids) before, during or after a work out. Find what YOU love and stick with it!

Results typically appear after 30 days.

Quality Matters

100% Pure, Wild Caught, 3rd Party Tested

When we decided to source collagen, we had no idea the challenges we would face in finding a pure source. The majority of collagen was coming from China, and getting a sample to test pure was starting to feel like an impossibility. We spent 6 months and over 30 attempts and it was a huge eye opener! Good Life Juice has an in-house company mandate: All supplements must come with a Certificate of Analysis to ensure we are only selling the highest quality ingredients.

A Certificate of Analysis is a lab test that looks for everything from heavy metals, bacteria, molds, pesticides, chemicals, solvents, fillers and more. If we are going to sell something to our customers, it has to pass our pre-set standards.

Thankfully, our persistence paid off in more ways than we could have predicted! Not only did we find a source of wild-caught Canadian Cod that tests 100% pure with every single batch, we found that the results were significantly greater when compared to other brands.

When it comes to your health, we believe quality counts. Each batch of Good Life Collagen is 3rd party tested to ensure its 100% purity.

Top 5 Benefits of Collagen

The Future of Health + Beauty is Edible

With Just a Spoonful a Day


Collagen plays an important role in strengthening skin and improving its elasticity and hydration, therefore helping slow the sign of aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness. Collagen helps to fortify your nails, making them stronger and less prone to breaking, while stimulating your hair and nail growth.

Research has shown that ingesting hydrolyzed collagen significantly improves skins’ firmness and elasticity, helps to reduce cellulite, increases smoothness, increases skins’ moisture and reduces roughness. All with no side effects. And all with just a spoonful of collagen a day!! It’s no wonder we believe the future of beauty is edible.


Personally, my knee, hip, shoulder and neck pain are what propelled me to find science-bases research. I was looking for supplements that could heal my body. I was hit by a car as a kid, ripping and tearing the ligaments in my left hip, knee and ankle. I had a diving accident in my 20’s causing damage to my neck and spine and then layered on a lifetime of athletics. The end result was by the time I hit my mid-30’s my body was full of debilitating aches, pains and injuries. It was effecting my quality of life on a daily basis and costing me a lot of time and money trying to repair it. In my research to see what could help, I discovered collagen.

You don’t have to be an athlete or have serious injuries to experience joint pain. It’s pretty common. Collagen helps maintain the integrity of the cartilage in your body - the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.

Research has shown that taking collagen regularly can result in a significant decrease in joint pain, increased mobility in joints and an increased ability to be physically active. Collagen can also help reduce inflammation - all of which have a dramatic impact on ones quality of life.


Collagen helps support healthy weight loss by boosting your metabolism through an increase in lean muscle mass. When combined with exercise, taking collagen helps increase skeletal muscle, resulting in an increased metabolism over time. Research has shown that taking collagen can increase the synthesis of muscle proteins such as creatine and stimulate muscle growth after exercise. With 10g of protein in a 1 TBSP flavourless serving, it’s easy to add to your diet. We can also attest to the fact that when your joints are healthy and your recovery time shorter, you are able to exercise more often and at a higher intensity - thus furthering your results.


Since collagen helps form connective tissue, one of the greatest digestive benefits is that it helps heal and strengthen the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Gut health has become a hot topic in recent years as we learn that gut inflammation, a leaky gut and other gut related illness are the root cause of many illnesses. Collagen can help heal and seal the gut to prevent would-be toxins passing through to your bloodstream.


Collagen helps clear arteries of dangerous plaque build up and prevent arteries from hardening (aka arteriosclerosis). Furthermore, research shows that collagen can actually help to provide structure to arteries, keeping the pathways that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body strong and viable. Studies have shown that collagen can actually help lower your cholesterol and prevent heart disease by preventing plaque build up in arteries and reducing the LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio.

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XO, Founder - Andrea Dershin


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