Mental Health, Movement + Me

With world mental health day around the corner, and it being on my mind more than usual, I felt the pull to write.

Mental health has been on my mind as this past week I finally turned a corner away from feeling negative and back to putting myself first. The disconnect snuck up on me starting in the summer, then it kind of took over, and finally I got just got stuck.

I could tell you all things that led me to where I was . . . but as I’ve turned the corner, I don’t want to look back! If you know me or have followed me for a while, I’m pretty open about my mental health and how it’s something I struggle with from time to time. . .I’ve learned my ups and down will come, and to trust, when I am feeling low that a high will come soon enough. I find as soon as I turn the corner I get the pull to share . . . to remind other’s there’s always hope!

When we’re going through busy, messy, overwhelming times, it’s normal not feel our best. Plus, being a human right now is just harder than it’s supposed to be! To pull myself back up, I find a really helpful tool is to focus on the basics.

THE BASICS - What we eat, how much we sleep, and the exercise we get.


For me, exercise is the thing I’ll skip when I’m feeling overwhelmed. . . .and skipping it for too long is a big part of what led to my mental health being in the gutter recently. I saw someone on instagram say: “If your mental health is suffering right now, I can guarantee you aren’t exercising!” Now, I think that statement is a little harsh and unrealistic, but it really hit home for me. Due an injury my doctor prescribed 6 months of no walking, running, hiking, bouncing or compound weighted exercise. What. The. Actual. F@*! So for 2 months I basically just pouted and barely did anything . . . hence the bad mental sate. And as soon as I got back to daily movement it was instantaneously better!!!

Healthy foods, daily movement, adequate sleep. . .If your mental health is in need of some help, I suggest first things first, nail the basics. From there add a sprinkle of positive self talk, and remind yourself how damn worthy you are of FEELING GOOD! Feel proud of all the amazing things you do for self.


Get focused on your priorities, again and again.

Choose positivity.

Check in with yourself and cheer yourself on.

Reach out to the ones who love you.

Book a therapy session or get the help you need.

BE in nature

And keep putting yourself FIRST.

Be present and feel connected to your surroundings, your loved ones and yourself.

I’m here cheering you on!

Much Love,



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