Exercising - Moving Past Mental Blocks & Trying New Things

These past few months, I tried 3 new things and I was feeling inspired to share. Not because they are anything dramatic, but because I put them off or dreaded them for far too long, and it was a powerful reminder to bust through your mental blocks and keep exploring/trying new thing. With all 3 of these things, my gut was telling me to try, but I was scared or incredibly resistant to go through with them. But as soon as I dove in, they brought me so much JOY!

My doctor had suggested swimming laps at the pool to help me heal from an injury, a good friend swore by cold plunging in the ocean to reduce inflammation, and I knew going back to the gym solo was in the cards.

I spent SO MUCH time and gave SO MUCH energy dreading giving them a try. It now seems silly. So I’m here to be your reminder - GO. TRY. NEW. THINGS!! Cause’ there’s a really good chance, you’re gonna love them!


The idea of going to the public pool, getting changed, and worst of all, getting my hair wet (sorry Kiyomi!) all seemed like such a drag.

As a kid, I loved the water. I even swam on the school swim team for a few years. But somewhere along the journey of becoming an adult I got disconnected from the water and my love of being in it. The pool was not calling me home . . .until . . .. wait for it . . . all I had to do was try it. ONCE. I swear, as soon as I got in the water and started swimming my first lap, I was back in love. The quiet under water, the way my limbs propelled me forward, my heart beating in my chest and ringing in my ears - I friggin in love it!! The echos of swim coaches past came back to me - reminding me about proper form, and next thing I knew, 30 minutes had passed and it was time to shower off and go home.

If there is something you did as a kid that you absolutely loved, I highly encourage you give it another try!


I mean, if you aren’t already a gym rat, does the idea of getting up early and going to the gym by yourself really appeal to anyone?!?

I was nervous that without a group of women holding me accountable for showing up (what I’ve had for the past few years), I wasn’t going to go. To help me feel motivated I reached out to a friend who is a fitness instructor and bartered with her to create me a plan/program. I also paid her to be my accountability partner. I felt like I needed that to get me going - and it worked great! I’m now 12 weeks in to my solo gym workouts and am actually loving it.

If you have been wanting to try the gym but feeling fearful or dreadful, I recommend finding a friend who knows whats up and have them show you the lay of the land, maybe even help you put together a plan. (Or hire a professional).


Technically not exercise, I know . . . but when it came to trying something new, this was a big one! A few friends had started then Liam at work got on the train, and I knew my time had come. I have been toying with the idea for a while . . . researching the benefits, reading some articles, even trying a few cold showers! Enough already, I was really feeling inspired to try.

There are a lot of benefits, but the facts that spoke to me most was that cold plunges can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve mood & well being.

If you are scared of cold water like I was then it’s even more reason to try it. Cause’ once you try it and get into it, it totally changes your perception. Your fear is gone, and that right there is a miracle!

You no longer fear it, but rather see it as a source of energy.

Be sure and hit me up in the shop or on social if there’s anything new you recently had to move through a mental block to try, and then ended up loving.

XO, Andrea


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